Thursday, June 20, 2013

Focusing on TODAY

At the most random of times, I find myself thinking of the future.  Sometimes it's a passing thought.  Other times, I'm consumed by it and even catch myself worrying about it.  Even though it has yet to come.  

Earlier this week as I was getting ready in the morning, I caught myself focusing on a task that I will have to complete in AUGUST.  August!!!  It's nearly two months away.  When I realized what I was thinking about (and even beginning to worry about), I smiled and reshifted my focus back to TODAY.  

And as I continued getting ready for my day, I opened up my devotional.  "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  And the words on the page spoke directly to my heart and mind.  

{"You are my beloved child.  I chose you before the foundation of the world, to walk with Me along paths designed uniquely for you.  Concentrate on keeping in step with Me, instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you.  If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment. 

Your hope and your future are rooted in heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you.  Nothing can rob you of your inheritance of unimaginable riches and well-being.  Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on.  But your main focus should be staying close to Me.  I set the pace in keeping with your needs and My purposes." } 

I literally stopped in my tracks when I read the line...
"Concentrate on keeping in step with me, instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you."  

Ugh.  Nothing like an early morning punch to the gut in the form of conviction.  My mind was wandering towards thoughts beyond today.  Beyond the here and now.  I was stopped right in my tracks.  Encouraged to stop...and focus on today.  

And what a good reminder: to trust God and trust His plans for my life.  

Right now.
6-months from now.
In thirty more years.  

Life is so precious.  Why allow myself to get so caught up in the unknowns of the future?  Why worry about the things that are totally out of my control?  Why not stop and refocus in those moments of worry and anticipation and remind myself that God truly IS in control?  I'm thankful for those little reminders in life (like the devotional I read that morning) that teach us valuable lessons and keep our mind centered on the more important stuff of life.  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Traffic Jam

I am someone who does not like to run late.  I prefer to be early but am okay with arriving just on-time.  And I especially like to be early to appointments.  Having a little one makes life extra challenging to arrive on-schedule for anything...including appointments.

Last-minute trips to the bathroom.
A spill on the kitchen floor.
A phone call as I'm walking out the door.

You get the idea.

My morning yesterday included a visit to the dentist for a routine check-up.  I had childcare lined up for Mya.  I had extra time in my morning to allow for me to be at the dentist's office with time to spare.  I thought I was good-to-go.  

Until I hit traffic.  And I mean TRAFFIC.  A total traffic jam.  

A Hazmat spill meant a total closure of a main road just outside our development.  Traffic backed up very quickly.  And construction on another main road near our home meant more back-ups...with the then added traffic of those detoured from the road closure.  

I had not planned for that.  I never anticipated that an extra fifteen minutes of travel time would end up meaning I was several minutes LATE to my dentist appointment.  I apologized to my hygienist and my dentist, and they graciously understood.  But I hate that feeling of helplessness.  Of not being responsible.  Of letting someone down.

And a traffic jam...of all things...can definitely make you feel helpless.  There's literally NOTHING you can do sometimes but SIT and WAIT.

Traffic jams can be so stressful, too.  For the drivers.  For the awesome police officers and volunteer fire fighters who direct or redirect traffic.  And especially for those involved directly in the traffic jam itself.  

I pondered this on my way home from the dentist, too, as I got stuck in the traffic jam AGAIN.  There was no way to avoid it completely if I wanted to get home.  And I needed to get home.  And I was fortunate enough to know other roads to take to avoid the traffic as much as I could...but still...waiting is no fun.  

Waiting isn't fun in traffic jams.  It's not fun in life's "traffic jams" either.  

Waiting for an answer.  
Waiting for a clear direction about what to do next in life.  
Waiting for a loved one to return home.  
Waiting to make a decision.
Waiting to get a job, start a family, buy or sell a house.

No matter the situation...waiting stinks!

Those feelings of uncertainty can leave you feeling stuck.  Not wanting to make a decision at all.  We can feel really anxious, too.  

And the reality is that life's gonna have moments that we just can't plan for.  No matter how much we think we have things under control, we just don't.  And never will completely.  And I like to remind myself that the one thing that IS certain in my life is God.  When I don't know what to do.  When I don't know where to turn or who to believe or how to process and make sense of something that literally makes no sense at all...I can turn to God for wisdom and guidance.  For peace and understanding.  For a calmness and reassurance that no matter what, He is always ready, always willing, and always waiting for me to turn to Him.  You'd think by the age of thirty, I'd know to turn to Him right away.  But I often don't.  I often find myself relying on my own abilities, my own knowledge.  And my skills don't even begin to compare to that of God's.  

So as life doesn't go the way I think it should, I can rest in knowing that God's still in control...even in the midst of the craziest "traffic jams" around me.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

FREE PRINTABLE - Father's Day Idea!

Looking for a fun (and easy) activity for the kiddos in your life to do for their dad for Father's Day?  I found out about this CUTE...FREE...PRINTABLE book.  Click on the picture below and follow the steps to print this.  

homemade fathers day gift make a book about dad the measured mom 590x486 Homemade Fathers Day gift from kids: A book about Dad (with free printable)

I printed it out on white cardstock, but regular computer paper would work fine, too.  Kids will have so much fun drawing the pictures, and don't forget to date the book, so you remember when it was created.  Save this template, reprint it in the years to come, and compare your child's development from year-to-year.  And if your kiddos are young and can't write yet, ask them "what daddy likes to eat" (etc), and fill-in-the-blanks for them.  Their answers will probably be hilarious. 

What a fun keepsake!  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Learning to Share Our Adoption Story...Publicly

A couple of months ago, a dear friend invited me to speak at our local Chick-fil-A's "Come & Play" time.  A time when (mostly) moms bring their young children to the restaurant to play on the indoor playground, interact with other moms and children, do crafts, and...recently, the fourth week of every month, hear a person share about their blog, their non-profit, etc.

I was asked to share our adoption story.  

Without hesitation, I responded to my friend's request with excitement that I would be thrilled to share our journey.  

I had never done something like this by myself.  You see, we've shared our adoption story youth groups, with our friends and family, at retreats...but I had always done it with Brandon by my side...filling in the details that I neglected and bouncing the conversations of our journey back-and-forth from one another.  

As I prepared to share at Chick-fil-A, it was neat to relive our journey (again).  

I reflected on the dates.  When we visited our first informational meeting at Bethany Christian Services.  When we completed our home study.  When we officially joined the waiting list of hopeful families desiring to add a child to their family.  How long we waited.  And when we finally got "the call" that Mya's birthmom wanted to meet us...and that she wanted us to meet Mya.  

And as I reflected on the dates, it brought back the different emotions.  Excitement and anticipation.  Longing...and I mean, loooonging, for something.  Grieving.  Hoping and trusting.  Questioning.  But continuing to trust.  

And it reminded me of how much I learned about myself and how much I grew in that time of struggle.  About how I wouldn't change any of it.  (I shared this at Chick-fil-A, too.)  All of those raw emotions have given me a greater appreciation for life and for my relationship with my Lord.  I've grown deeper in my faith.  I've questioned, and I've gained a deeper understanding of God's sovereignty and provision.  And for that, I am thankful.


About two weeks ago, I ventured to Chick-fil-A and presented our story to a wonderful group of ladies on a Tuesday and a Wednesday.  And I was truly blessed by the support of those that came out to hear our story.  I loved the questions that they asked me.  Good, thought-provoking questions...Questions that not only helped them to understand adoption better but also helped us all to relate to one another better.  

I love how...
When we hear others' journeys, we relate to them.  
We connect with them.  
We have compassion and empathy towards them.  
And in the midst of my sharing, I felt that love and support by each person that came to support me.  

Our adoption story is much like most you'll hear.  Our story isn't perfect or any more special that others you will hear.  But I am thankful that I could share our experience, so others could better understand what it means to adopt and be an adoptive mom.  


Within a few weeks of me agreeing to share our story at Chick-fil-A, I was asked by Brandon's sweet cousin to share our adoption story at the mom's group at her church.  Coincidental?  I think not.  I feel like the Lord is challenging me to step outside of my comfort zone again.  Challenging me to share.  And challenging me to trust I've agreed to share at this mom's group (which won't take place for many more months).  

But as I anticipate this next speaking engagement, I'm anxious to see how the Lord will stretch me to share just what He wants to me share...and to continue to learn just what He wants me to learn.  You see, sharing our adoption story...publicly...was NOT something that was on my radar.  Something I ever saw myself doing.  But I've already been deeply blessed in opening up to others and allowing them to hear the details of our adoption story.  

Who knows what the next few months or years will bring.  But what I do know is that God is with me each step of the way.  Challenging me to grow lean on Him more...and to learn something new each day of my life.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


With the end of another school year being right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to create a list of some neat activities to do with kids of all ages.  These are activities from "I Can Teach My Child!" that I wanted to share with you.  ENJOY!  

Click on the photos to link to each activity's website and complete list of directions.

Sticky Salt Painting


Capital & Lowercase Alphabet Parking Lot

Counting Robots

Rainbows for Little Hands