Three years ago today, it was sunny and hot. Our parents, grandparents, caseworkers, close friends, and a few other family members all joined together to celebrate and make official what felt permanent and meant-to-be from the time we held her for the first time - the day our daughter officially became ours. It was the day we officially adopted our daughter.
I can remember riding in the car and finding parking in the city's parking garage. I can remember not wanting to run late. I can remember what I wore. I can remember the courthouse and its metal detectors. I can remember riding in an elevator. I can remember waiting in a hallway and feeling anxious before being called into the courthouse for our appointment. I can remember being surrounded by those so precious and dear to us. I can remember the emotions. I can remember hoping that our daughter would not need another bottle feeding while in the courtroom. I can remember the judge. I can remember being called up by the judge and placing my hand of the Bible and my heart racing. I can remember the commitment we made on that day...legally...but feeling like it was the commitment we had already made months (if not years) before when we decided that we wanted to become parents. I can remember having photos taken afterward with those that came to support us and with the judge, and I can remember our tiny, 7-month old daughter reaching and grabbing hold of the judge's gown (it was captured in a photo and still makes me chuckle). I can remember the joy and excitement. I can remember the tears of deep thankfulness. I can remember taking a short walk and enjoying lunch. I can remember being deeply in awe of God's provision for us and our family.
On this very day, three years ago, our daughter officially became ours and for that, we are forever grateful. Grateful to our adoption agency and caseworkers. Grateful to those that so closely walked with us and supported us during our journey. Grateful to our daughter's biological parents for agreeing and committing to this being the best decision for her. Grateful to the court system and the role that they play. Grateful to our attorney. Grateful to our families, friends, church family, neighbors, co-workers, and many more - The ways that you abundantly gave and helped us out and loved and supported us are forever appreciated, and we thank you!
And just before becoming a mom, a quote struck my heart from the moment I heard it and has stuck with me for years. It's a quote that hits home for me and feels so fitting on this day as I reflect on our daughter's life and our adoption journey over the last couple of years - "It takes a whole village to raise a child." Amen!