Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!  It's 2013.  Can you believe it?

For me, 2013 means I'll be turning 30 years a few months (...not that I'm counting or anything).  Ha!  As a kid, I remember thinking that it would be SO WEIRD to live in the 2000's.  Like, how would we say it?...When we were used to the 1900's (like 19-99), would we then say "twenty zero-zero" or "two thousand"?
What cars would we drive?
Would we live like the Jetsons...with little spaceships and robots to serve us dinner?
Well, I guess not.  
But, consider what it must be like for someone who was born in the early 1900's...say, the 1920's or 30's...and is still living today.  To see iPhones, Skype, a vacuum that cleans your house automatically with the press of a button today (which aren't even the most cutting edge forms of technology), what must it be like?

We do kind of live like the Jetsons.  (Hopefully, you all even know what I'm talking about when I refer to the classic tv show "The Jetsons.")  We live with technology at our fingertips.  We live cars, fast food, fast schedules, fast jobs.  Quick!  Quick!  Quick!

But, do we ever STOP for a minute and just RELAX?  Just SLOW DOWN?

This last year...I want to intentionally slow down.  I want to choose to have dinners together as a family...all sitting around the dinner table together...even if it means eating at 7 o'clock at night after dance classes.  I want to choose to have quiet time each day...For me, it's during Mya's naptime when I can just unwind, refocus, catch up, and chill out.  I want to go against the norm.  I don't want the busyness of life to suck me up in the whirlwind.  I want to choose to live a life devoted to God...allowing Him to lead me and guide me, so my focus stays clear.

The pace of life today is so fast and so out-of-control that sometimes we don't even realize how quickly we're moving, going, much we're wasting.  Life demands so much of us.

I'm not here to judge you.  In fact, I think my purpose in writing this is actually to admit that I have gotten swept away with filling my calendar and doing too much unnecessary stuff.  This year...2013...I choose to SIMPLIFY.

I'm not really one for resolutions at New Year's.  I'm not at all against them, though either...I've just never fully gotten into them or followed through with them to any level of accountability.  Maybe this blog is my way of having a resolution this year:  To slow down.  And, maybe...just maybe...this is my way of being vulnerable and putting myself out there, so you all can keep ME accountable to this.

I don't want friendships to suffer because of my busyness.  I don't want my family to not get my full attention because of other "stuff" that gets in the way or blinds me of my priorities.  I don't want my busyness to prevent me from giving, loving, sharing, inspiring, and learning from others.  And, I don't want my busyness to hinder me from growing in my walk with the Lord and living in a way that reflects Him in all that I do.

Hold me accountable.  Help me to live like Christ.  Walk with me.

And share with me what your resolutions are....


  1. This will say Shaun but it's Mandie! Well, I want to craft and clean more! I don't want to add any craziness to your schedule and work against your resolution but I would love to craft with you this year!

    1. Amanda, I would LOVE to craft with ya! No, that would not add to the craziness of my schedule...Rather, it would be very relaxing and super fun! Let's plan on it. :)
