At 3:30 AM, Brandon and I both awoke to a little one walking into our bedroom.
It freaked us out!
Mya has never officially climbed out of her crib, yet, and so for two very sound-sleepers, we quickly feared it was a home invasion.
And in a way, it was. A home invasion by our 2-year old into our the MIDDLE of the night. I'm still amazed how this all went down. It was pitch-dark in our house. She figured out how to climb out of her crib for the first time, make her way to her bedroom door and open it, walk briefly down the hallway, and enter our bedroom. To which her first words were, "Daddy. Mommy. Want to climb in bed with you."
I can't figure out if she was sleep walking...or if she was awake enough to process all of this in the night to take action and physically walk to us to solve her problem. She wanted to sleep in our bed. She must have been awake enough.
The irony?
She's never once slept in our bed. So we have no idea where that came from, too. How she got this thought in her mind at 3:30 AM (or just before that) and took beyond our understanding.
Brandon and I were both bewildered. We asked if she was which she repeated that she wanted to sleep in our bed. Brandon kindly scooped her up and mentioned to me that he'd take care of putting her back into her bed...her crib. He talked with her (mentioning it's not okay to climb out of her bed, that she needs to call for us instead) and rocked her for a bit. While rocking her, he asked if she was okay...she mentioned that her back hurt a little bit (maybe from the crib escape?)...but quickly drifted back to sleep.
And as if that weren't enough of an attempt to sleep in our room with us last night...I then heard her cries again at 4:40 AM. This time, I quickly got up and went into her room, only to find her STANDING in her crib this time. She obeyed. Thankfully. She begged to sleep in our room again. I hugged her and reminded her that she cannot sleep in our room. I rocked her for a bit...and again, she quickly returned to sleep. For the remainder of the night. Thankfully.
It's hard as a momma. Sometimes, I just wanna scoop her up and let her sleep in our room with us. But this gut feeling always sways me to stay true to my words. Mya doesn't forget if I tell her one thing and do another, she will literally call me out on it. I've witnessed this in a 2-year old kind of way. And it's almost like she knows this...that she cannot sleep in our room...but she just wants to make sure, just wants to test us...even if it's at 3:30 in the morning.
I don't wanna be a momma that isn't flexible, that isn't willing to change my ways. But I also don't wanna fall into a pattern of allowing our little one to rule our home.
I'm thankful for God's grace, for His wisdom. I'm thankful in moments like this, I can turn to Him and ask for His guidance. (To be honest, I did not turn to Him at 3:30 AM...I reacted quickly instead to my gut feeling, but as I process it now while typing this blog, it's kind of like my way of talking to God right now and asking Him to guide and lead me.) I'm also thankful for the other mommies in my life that I can get feedback from...that I can learn from. It's amazing how much I learn from other moms. It's a gift. And, it's amazing what God can teach me every single day. If I'm open to it. If I'm watching for it. If I allow Him to work in my life.
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