Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Life is unpredictable.  

Today is a perfect example of this.  Snow was predicted by many...five to eight inches (or more, in some areas).  Schools closed.  Businesses shut down.  Parents quickly changed their day's plans or scrambled to find childcare.  

And, the only precipitation that has happened so RAIN. At least here where we live.

Gusty winds.  And rain.

Predictions continued to change.  Pushing back the start time for snow.  Extending the time frame of the storm.  But, honestly, I think most of us are now predicting NO SNOW for this storm.  

I'm a "summer girl"...but I have to say that I do enjoy the occasional snow storm.  I like when it's just enough snow to slow us down...maybe cancel school for a day...and provide a delayed start to the following day.  I don't mind being snowed in for a day (maybe two).  I get my "Betty Crocker" fix on those days...create a dessert from one of her boxes.  Cook dinner.  And enjoy that life literally slooows down in that time.  I see that slowing down as a blessing.

A way to refocus.  

Intentional family time.  

I enjoy those days.  I enjoy the memories that are made and the traditions that are formed.  I love the spontaneity in those days.  The creativity.  The warmth.  

Some of you are reading this...and are enjoying one of "those days," too.  Others may read this with children running around, screaming and fighting...and are wishing that school was never cancelled.  That life would get back to normal.  Quickly.  And for still others, it's just another normal home, at work, or wherever.  

We all experience these kinds of "snow days" at one point or another.  For us, it's today.  So today, I'm welcoming the extra time with family...We're blessed to have Brandon's parents here with us for the week, and so this "snow day" comes as a blessing (and surprise!) since Brandon received the day off from school and is home with us all today.  

No matter how unpredictable life is, God isn't.  He brings stability.  Comfort.  Rest.  Peace.  Unity.  Forgiveness.  The list goes on and on.  It can be such a foreign concept to think that relying on someone else (God) actually then provides those things within me.  But He can and He does.  Life is really hard...really unpredictable.  With Him in my life, it's still unpredictable and challenging...but I am able to better accept, better understand, and better embrace life.  So in the midst of this unpredictable day, I can rest in knowing that God is not unpredictable.  He's faithful.  Constant.  Always ready to meet my needs.  I just have to be willing to turn my life over to Him.  So He can use me.  To serve Him.

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