(Insert: Flashbacks to 7th grade Home Ec class...and learning to sew flannel boxer shorts. Yes, FLANNEL BOXER SHORTS. That could be a whole other blog post...but let's just say, the class I ended up in included mostly males...in the era of super baggy pants and over-sized t-shirts. Like a true democracy, majority won when our class voted...and boxer shorts were the "final project" of choice in my home ec class.)
I never want my life to be stagnant. I want to continue to learn and grow...and try NEW THINGS...throughout my life. I love the thought of getting creative with a sewing machine. And when I stumbled upon [yet another] cool website like Spoonflower, it makes me wanna start sewing right now.
Spoonflower has the coolest fabrics, wall papers, decals, and gift wraps. Bright colors. Trendy patterns. Masculine, feminine. Modern, cute, sophisticated, fun...and even a "Design-Your-Own" option. Spoonflower inspires me to take chances and have fun getting creative.
By me typing this blog post, you're all holding me accountable to actually buying a sewing machine and teaching myself how to use it. In the near future. Keep dreaming. Keeping believing. And keep taking chances, everybody. Try something new...TODAY! (And if anyone wants to learn to use a sewing machine, too...or is willing to TEACH me how to use one...we can tackle learning it TOGETHER!!!) :)
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