Yesterday, I shared about a terrifying moment that we experienced over the weekend. In just seconds, our daughter was missing. For about 5-10 minutes. You can read the details of that here.
Three days later, I was getting Mya ready for bed and asked her who she wanted to pray for. I then suggested that we pray again for the neighbors who helped to keep her safe when she was lost. She agreed and without hesitation proceeded to tell me that...
Jesus was with her while she was running.
"Huh? What, honey?" I clarify.
She again told me that Jesus was with her. And he was little. But that he was on her shoulder, and she could see him. She pointed to her left shoulder, signaling to me exactly where she remembered seeing Him.
And as if her first comments about Jesus being with her didn't blow me away enough, she then said to me that He told her to "stop." When she got to the big road.
I was in complete awe of her recollection. In amazement of this detail. I believe her. And I believe that God was very much with her, keeping her safe from serious harm on Saturday morning. This is yet another reminder that we have so much to learn from the little ones in our lives. The way they process and see things is amazing. In some ways, it would be kinda neat to see life through the eyes of a child. Even if for just one day. Their innocence and imaginations are beautiful.
And a moment like this makes every temper tantrum, naughty behavior, not-so-nice word, and unkind attitude while raising a two-year-old not seem so bad at all...but rather a beautiful blessing. And a different way to view life and the world.
Thank you for sharing. Cried reading it to Sandy.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. We shed our fair share of tears, too, in the midst of this whole experience. :)
DeleteWow Kristen! Challenges me to remember that Jesus is on my shoulder too.
ReplyDeleteYes, good point! If only we could see things as children do. :) I love when they challenge us to view the world and God differently. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this post. Hope you're doing well!