Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Unexpected Kindness

I'm a huge fan of "random acts of kindness."  While growing up, I remember there being a big push during my elementary school years to do random acts of kindness...and (if my memory serves me correctly) rewards from the teachers for being spotted doing those kind acts.  It's something that's stuck with me and really resonated in my heart all of these years since then.  It's something I still like to do...but wish I did more often. It takes a conscience effort to even consider doing this for someone...and sometimes even a bit of a lifestyle shift.

A random act of kindness can come in many different forms.  A text, a card in the mail, someone holding the door for you, flowers, a kind gesture by a stranger, a friendly hello.  And sometimes it can be just what you need to hear at just the right moment.  For me, I was the receiver of one of these blessings just a few days ago...and it's still impacting me today.

Let me back up a bit.

I was having a not-so-great day...feeling a bit discouraged.  The normal stuff of life with some added stressors.  I had just gotten home and decided to check my email.  My inbox was filled with the normal handful of junk emails and advertisements.  But one email stood out to me.  It was an email from our daughter's biological grandmother.

A random email.

Sure, we stay in touch with Mya's biological family...but our contact with them comes and goes.  We might email a couple of times in a month.  Then a couple of months might go by before we communicate again.  Each open adoption situation is different...but for us (and for Mya's biological family), it works.  And it feels right.  And it's moments like this...when I receive a random email from Mya's biological grandma...that I'm grateful for the blessing that they are to me, Mya, and our family.

Mya's biological grandma had no idea I was having a rough day when she sent the email.  But she took the time to send it.  She took the time to let us know that each year, at this time...close to Mya's birthday, close to the day that Mya left her birthmother's arms and was placed into ours...she's reminded of how thankful she is for us, as her parents, and for Mya...and for how she's being raised in a Christian home.

I was immediately brought to tears.

I barely know this woman...and yet we share a connection that is so unique and so real.  I needed to let her know how much her email meant to me.  So I emailed her back.  Thanking her.  And reiterating our gratitude for her, as well.

I haven't heard back from her since I replied.  And that's okay.  We're still figuring things out.  Still determining how this relationship will unfold between us and Mya's biological family.  But one thing I can tell you is that her "random act of kindness" email made a huge impact in my life.  She may never know how much it did...but I'm here to tell you that just when you think an act of kindness is small or insignificant, it just might have the BIGGEST impact in someone else's life...even if they don't take the time to let you know.

So let's get out there, people, and do something nice for someone!  Let's spread a little love today.

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