Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Valentine Card Ideas - WITHOUT Candy!

A few weeks ago, I shared TEN VALENTINE'S DAY CARD ideas with you.  Click here to check out these fun and very inexpensive ideas.  

And now, with Valentine's Day being just a little over TWO WEEKS AWAY, here are EIGHT MORE non-candy valentine ideas.  Thank you, Sassy Dealz blog, for these great ideas!  Click on each image for step-by-step instructions.  

[1] Twinkies + Despicable Me!

[2] Bananas
banana valentine day gift idea

[3] Microwave Popcorn

[4] Pop-Tarts

[5] Cheez-It Crackers

[6] Apple Slices

[7] Grapes

[8] Bouncy Ball


  1. Thank you very much for featuring my crafts! :)

    1. You're welcome, Michelle! Your ideas are too cute not to share...Keep up the great work!!! :) And thanks for taking the time to thank me - very thoughtful of you.
