As many of you know, we attend Faith EC Church in Lancaster. I've attended this church my whole life. The group of people that make up our church is like a second family to me. And, on this particular Sunday morning, Pastor Joel shared his second sermon in a mini-series on discipleship with us. He focused on the importance of mentoring and being a mentor to others. He challenged us to pray and to seek out someone to become a mentor with.
This has been on my mind quite a bit since Sunday morning.
I've prayed. I've considered many ladies in our congregation that would be fantastic mentors. Ladies I can relate to and love being around. Ladies that are inspiring and wise. Ladies that love the Lord and seek Him with their whole hearts. Which lady is a good fit for me...a good mentor for me? And, which lady am I a good fit for?
In a way, I feel like I'm asking someone to prom or something. (Flashback to high school...Ahhh!) I find myself thinking through how I might approach this lady and ask her to be my mentor. I feel nervous. Some tiny little butterflies flutter in my the thought of it...just typing about it. I contemplate delaying asking her. I allow myself to think that it just doesn't need to happen quite yet. Not now. I allow these emotions to guide me...rather than totally giving this over to Jesus and allowing Him to guide me.
I know this is silly. I have no reason to be anxious or worried. I know these ladies. I know they are kind, sweet encouragers. I know they are supportive. It makes me excited to know that I could be supported by prayer, in advice, in the midst of the stuff of life. I'm hopeful that I can fulfill these responsibilities for them as well.
That we can work together.
Encourage one another.
Cry together.
Be very real and very honest with each other.
Walk through life...through the good times and the not-so-great times...together.
That we can work together.
Encourage one another.
Cry together.
Be very real and very honest with each other.
Walk through life...through the good times and the not-so-great times...together.
Do you have a mentor? Is there someone in your life that you can turn on the phone...reach out your times of need? In your times of rejoicing and praise?
I'm excited to take this next step of forming a mentoring relationship with a fellow sister in Christ from our church and to start this new chapter along my life journey. And, I'm excited to see how the Lord will work through each of these mentoring relationships within our church...some new, some being re-energized or the days and weeks ahead.
I still don't know exactly how it'll I'll ask this sweet, very special lady to be my mentor. A phone call. An email. An in-person chat with her. I can't worry about that. I can't fear rejection. I can't fear the unknowns. I just can't. I can't allow my human nature to control me...when God's ways provide such peace, such wisdom, such reassurance. They always do. I have no reason to doubt God. He knows what I need. Right now. And, in my heart, I know that a mentor is what I need right now. Thank you for encouraging us, Pastor Joel, to take this accept this challenge.
I still don't know exactly how it'll I'll ask this sweet, very special lady to be my mentor. A phone call. An email. An in-person chat with her. I can't worry about that. I can't fear rejection. I can't fear the unknowns. I just can't. I can't allow my human nature to control me...when God's ways provide such peace, such wisdom, such reassurance. They always do. I have no reason to doubt God. He knows what I need. Right now. And, in my heart, I know that a mentor is what I need right now. Thank you for encouraging us, Pastor Joel, to take this accept this challenge.